"New Line Continued" 2018
Oil on canvas
77' x 101' inches / 196 x 257 cm
Hubert De Lartigue
Born in 1963, France
1987 MFA, École Estienne, Paris, France
1986 BFA, École Duperré, Paris France
In 1988, after completing studies in graphic arts, Hubert de Lartigue got a job in a packaging creation studio.
One year later he set up as a freelance illustrator and worked mainly in the packaging sector. At the same time he published covers of science fiction books and role playing games. He gradually turned to pin-ups that became his favourite subject.
In 1996 he published « Super Héroïnes » at Soleil.
In 1999, after his virtual encounter with Louis K. Meisel and Charles G. Martignette on the internet, he put on a show in New York
In 2000 he published « French pin-ups » at Boo!press, the publishing house that he created together with Hervé Bienvault.
In 2003 he showed his work at the Frédéric Bosser gallery in Paris and it was during this same year that he met his muse, Octavie, who was the inspiration behind his decision to work on larger formats and in a more realist style. He exhibited these new works at Frédéric Bosser and in New York at the Bernarducci-Meisel Gallery. Several works and catalogues have been published.
He continues to produce around 10 paintings per year.
2012 Muses, Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, New York
2009 Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, New York
2008 Art Top Gallery Lille France
2007 Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, New York, NY, 4- 27 October
2006 « Femmes artistes « , Galerie Frederic Bosser, Paris, France, 20 February 10 March.
2004 « Great American Pin-up- Vintage and Contemporary Works », Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York, 11 September 2 October.
Galerie Frédéric Bosser, Paris France.
2003 Galerie Frédéric Bosser, Paris France.
2013 Rarity Summer Salon Show, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
2012 Rarity Summer Salon Show, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
2011/2012 Stand Still, Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery, New York
2011 National Juried Biennial, Amarillo Art Museum, Amarillo, TX
Art Hamptons, Bridgehampton, NY
Watermill Art Center, Watermill, NY
Galerie Marie Ricco, Calvi, Corsica, France
2010 Expansion, Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery, New York
Permanent exhibition Alexis Lartigue Gallery, Paris, France
2009 Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, New York, NY
« Figure it Out », Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York, NY, 27 January - 24 February
2008 Painted Faces; Post Modern Portraits, Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery, New York
Luc Pieters Gallery Knokke, Belgium
2006 Oh Sashimi ! Tri Postal Lille France.
2000 Pin-Ups 2000, Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York.
2012 New Work by Hubert de Lartigue, Poets & Artists, January 22.
Muses, exhibition catalogue. Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery: New York.
2011 Pond, James. Hyper-realistic Painting by Hubert de Lartigue, Pondly.com, October.
Paintings by Hubert de Lartigue, Design You Trust, October 8.
2010 Hubert de Lartigue, Dessins & Peintures magazine, January
2009 Hyperrealisme un style qui dérange? Dossier, André Maennel, March 22, pp.20-27.
Article in the magazine « Poets and Artists ». Volume 2 issue 8
2008 Painted Faces; Post Modern Portraits. Exhibition catalogue. Bernarducci Meisel Gallery: New York
Hubert de Lartigue: Paintings 2004 2008. Preface Octavie P. Boo Press: Paris, France
Article in the German magazine « Airbrush step by step »
2007 Rose, Joshua. The Art of Seduction, American Art Collector, Oct, pp. 148 151, col. ills.
Sponder, Marshall. Hubert de Lartigue at Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery, Art NYC, 5 Oct.
2005 Publication of a book of pin-ups « Facettes » at Tournon
2004 Publication of the catalogue of the exhibition at the Frédéric Bosser Gallery Hubert de Lartigue, Art Scene International, No. 54
2003 Hubert de Lartigue. Exh. Cat. Frédéric Bosser Gallery: Paris, France Publication of
«lamateur de belles images » for BFB Hubert de Lartigue, Air Brush + Action, February.
2002 Hubert de Lartigue, Airbrush + Action, No. 46
New Technologies in Science Fiction Applied to the Spatial World. Authors :Gyger, Patrick, David Raitt and Arthur Woods. Cover ills
2001 Hubert de Lartigue, Airbrush + Action, No. 39.
Jaabert, Olivier and Phillippe Leroyer, Interview with Hubert de Lartigue, Wizard, No. 9.
Francescano, Gilles. Interview with Hubert de Lartigue, Science Fiction, No. 14.
2000 Publication of the book « French Pin-ups » at Boo!press Galaxies Magazine, No. 18, Cover ills.
1999 Cover of the review GALAXIES nº 12. Display Libertés Futures exhibition. Exhibition at the GALAXIALES of Nancy.Expositon in Civray: Mirror of the future. Cover of the erotic tales of year 2000. Publication of the Portfolio pinup at BD.SF
Galaxies n° 12, Cover ills.
Le Guide du Paris Sexy Musadrine, Paris, France. Cover Ills.
« Contes érotique de Noël, La Musardine, Paris, France. Cover Ills.
1998 «Pin-ups, le portrait impossible» Playboy, France, Greece