"New Line Continued" 2018
Oil on canvas
77' x 101' inches / 196 x 257 cm
Jeanette Pasin Sloan
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
American Express, Minneapolis
American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
The Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock
Arthur Anderson, Chicago
Art Bank, Department of State, Washington, D.C.
The Art Institute of Chicago
Ball State University Museum of Art, Muncie, Indiana
Bank of America, San Francisco
David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Brauer Museum of Art, Valparaiso Center for the Arts, Valparaiso, Indiana
Captiva Corporation, Denver, Colorado
Canton Art Institute, Canton, Ohio
Chapman, Cutler, Chicagos
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
Chicago Tribune
Cleveland Museum of Art
Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, Iowa
Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
Fine Arts Gallery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
First Illinois Bank of Evanston
FMC Corporation, Chicago
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
General Electric, Fairfield, Connecticut
General Mills, Golden Valley, Minnesotas
W. W. Grainger, Chicago
Hallmark Cards, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri
The Harris Foundation, Chicago
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Illinois State Museum, Springfield
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Kansas City Art Institute, School of Design, Kansas City, Missouri
Kemper Insurance Company, Long Grove, Illinois
George S. May International, Park Ridge, Illinois
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri
New York Public Library
Nippon Lever Corporation, Tokyo
Oak Brook Bank, Oak Brook, Illinois
Ortho-Tain, Inc.
Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Toledo, Ohio
Owens-Illinois Incorporated, Toledo, Ohio
Roll International, Los Angeles
Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, New Mexico
David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago
Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence
Union League Club of Chicago
University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tuscon
Western Electric, Chicago
Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, Wichita Falls, Texasv
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
2009 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2008 Lewallen Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2007 William Havu Gallery, Denver, Colorado
2006 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2005 J.Cacciola Gallery, New York, New York
2004 J.Cacciola Gallery, New York, New York
2004 Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston, Texas
2003 Davidson Galleries, Seattle, Washington
2002 Karl Oskar Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri
1999 Tatistcheff and Company, Inc., New York
1999 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1998 University Club of Chicago, Chicago
1998 Cline Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1998 Frederick Baker, Inc., Chicago
1997 Tatistcheff and Company, Inc., New York
1997 Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston
1997 Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois
1997 Deborah Lovely Fine Arts, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois
1996 Butters Gallery, Ltd., Portland, Oregon
1996 Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago
1995 Tatistcheff and Company, Inc., New York (catalogue)
1995 Butters Gallery, Ltd., Portland, Oregon
1995 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (catalogue)
1995 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1995 Quartet Editions, New York
1994 Butters Gallery, Ltd., Portland, Oregon
1994 Landfall Press Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1993 Thimmesh Gallery, Minneapolis
1992 Roger Ramsay Gallery, Chicago (catalogue)
1991 Butters Gallery, Ltd., Portland, Oregon
1990 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1990 Camino Real Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida
1989 Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1989 Butters Gallery, Ltd., Portland, Oregon
1989 Tatistcheff Gallery, Santa Monica, California
1989 Steven Scott Gallery, Baltimore
1989 Patrick Gallery, Austin, Texas
1989 Roger Ramsay Gallery, Chicago
1988 Adams-Middleton Gallery, Dallas
1987 Leedy-Voulkos Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri
1987 David Adamson Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1987 Saginaw Art Museum, Saginaw, Michigan
1987 Roger Ramsay Gallery, Chicago (catalogue)
1987 Peter M. David Gallery, Minneapolis
1985 Sister Guala O'Connor Gallery, Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois
G. W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York
1984 Kirkland Fine Arts Center Gallery, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois
1983 G. W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York
1982 Illinois State Museum, Springfield
1981 Frumkin and Struve Gallery, Chicago
1980 G. W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York
1979 G. W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York
1978 Landfall Press Gallery, Chicago
1977 G. W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York
1976 University Club of Chicago, Chicago
1976 Galesburg Civic Art Center, Galesburg, Illinois
1975 North River Gallery, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
2013 Rarity Summer Salon Show, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos
2012 Rarity Summer Salon Show, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos
2011 Rarity Summer Salon Show, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos
2004 Transmit + Transform, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2004 Landfall Press, A Singular Vision, Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2003 Selections, Contemporary Art from the collection of Robert and Doris Thimmesh, Saint John's Art Center, Alice R.Rogers and Target Galleries, St.John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota
2001 11th Annual Remarkable Women Show, Peltz Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2000 Prints by American Artists, Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, Wichita Falls, Texas
2000 The Figure at the Millennium, Art Gallery, Fine Arts Center, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
2000 Out of Line, Sidney R. Yates Gallery, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago
1999 Contemporary American Realist Drawings from the Jalane and Richard Davidson 1999 Collection, Art Institute of Chicago (catalogue)
1999 Re-presenting Representation IV, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, New York (catalogue)
1998 Pushing Boundaries: Lithographs from 9 American Fine Art Presses, DAAP Galleries, 1998 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (catalogue)
1997 International Print Exposition, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
1997 Rethinking Realism: Contemporary American Watercolors, Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery,
Lebanon Valley College of Pennsylvania, Annville
1996 Objects of Personal Significance: Exhibits USA, traveling exhibition organized by Mid- America
Arts Alliance (catalogue)
1996 Landfall Press: Twenty-Wve Years of Printmaking, Milwaukee Art Museum (catalogue)
1996 Second Sight: Printmaking in Chicago, 1935¬1995, Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (catalogue)
1995 Contemporary American Realism, Elliot Smith Contemporary Art, St. Louis
1995 Women in Print: Prints from 3M by Contemporary Women Printmakers, Concourse Gallery, 3M,
St. Paul, Minnesota (catalogue)
1994 American Realism and Figurative Painting, Cline Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe,
New Mexico (catalogue)
1994 Realism ¹94, Fletcher Gallery, Santa Fe, Mexico
1994 18th Annual National Invitational Drawing Exhibition, Norman R. Eppink Art Gallery, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas
1994 Contemporary American Works of Art on Paper, Madigan Library, University of Michigan,
Dearborn (catalogue)
1993 The Anniversary Show, Tatistcheff/Rogers Gallery, Santa Monica, California
1992 Prints by Contemporary Women Artists, Callen McJunkin Gallery, Charleston, West Virginia
1992 Face to Face: Self-Portraits by Chicago Artists, Exhibit Hall, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago
1991 Watercolor across the Ages, The Gallery at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton,
New Jersey (catalogue)
1991 Presswork: The Art of Women Printmakers, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. (catalogue)
1990 Women in the Visual Arts, Harbert Schoolhouse Gallery, Harbert, Michigan
1989 78th Annual Exhibition: Chicago, Maier Museum of Art, Randolph-Macon Woman¹s College, Lynchburg, Virginia (brochure)
1989 Meticulous Realist Drawing, Squibb Gallery, Princeton, New Jersey (catalogue)
1988 The Print Society: Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art,
Kansas City, Missouri
1987 "A Just Temper between Propensities": New Still-Life and Landscape Painting, Bayly Art Museum, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (catalogue)
1987 Drawing: The New Tradition, Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama
1987 Mainstream America: The Collection of Phil Desing, Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
1987 Close Focus: Prints, Drawings and Photographs, National Museum of American Art,Washington, D.C.
1987 Pulled and Pressed: Contemporary Prints and Multiples, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
1987 Landfall Press: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Art Institute of Chicago
1987 National Drawing Invitational, Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock (catalogue)
1986 Landfall Press: Selections from the Permanent Collections, Art Institute of Chicago
1985 Drawings: The Eighty-Wrst Exhibition by Artists of Chicago and Vicinity,
Art Institute of Chicago (catalogue)
1986 Midwest Realists, Paine Art Center and Arboretum, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1986 The Atelier in America, Swen Parson Gallery, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb (catalogue)
1984 Aspects of Contemporary Realism, Jerald Melberg Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina
1983 Printed by Women, Port of History Museum at Penn¹s Landing, Philadelphia (catalogue)
1983 Choice Prints: Recent Works by Various Artists, The Print Club Gallery, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania
1982 Techniques of Printmaking, Van Straaten Gallery, Chicago
1981 Contemporary Prints from Landfall Press, Trisolini Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (catalogue)
1981 Recent Acquisitions, Illinois State Museum, Springfield
1981 Prints and Multiples: The 79th Exhibition by Artists of Chicago and Vicinity, Art Institute of Chicago
1980 Still Life, Kent State University Gallery, Kent, Ohio
1979 The New American Still Life, Westmoreland County Museum of Art, Greensburg,Pennsylvania
1979 Modern Art in Toledo Collections, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio (catalogue)
1978 Seven Artists: Contemporary Drawings, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland (catalogue)
1979 Three Realists, Canton Art Institute, Canton, Ohio
1979 Recent Acquisitions, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
1976 Illinois Invitational, Illinois State Museum, Springfield
Illusions: paintings, gouaches and prints, Gerhard Wurtzer Gallery, Houston Texas, 2001. Forword by Gerritt Henry.
Underfoot, Associacão Alumni, São Paulo, Brazil, 2001. Text by Bob Nugent.
Jeanette Pasin Sloan, 1977 - 1986 Catalog raisonne. Essay by Esther Sparks, publish by Landfall Press, Inc. 1987, Chicago, IL.
American Realism and Figurative Painting. Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Cline Fine Art Gallery, 1994. Preface by W. GeoVrey Cling. Essay by John Arthur.
Contemporary American Realist Drawings from the Jalane and Richard Davidson Collection. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1999. Essays by Ruth Fine, Raymond Hernandez-Duran, and Mark Pascale.
Jeanette Pasin Sloan. Chicago: Roger Ramsay Gallery and Landfall Press, Inc., 1992. Essay by Dennis Adrian. Jeanette Pasin Sloan. Chicago: Roger Ramsay Gallery and Landfall Press, Inc., 1992. Essay by Dennis Adrian.
Jeanette Pasin Sloan. New York: Tatistcheff and Company, Inc., 1995. Essay by John Arthur.
Jeanette Pasin Sloan. Milwaukee, Wisc.: UWM Art Museum, Art History Gallery, University of Wisconsin, 1995. Essay by Marty Stewart Huff.
Landfall Press: Twenty-Five Years of Printmaking. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Milwaukee Art Museum, 1996. Essay by Joseph Ruzicka. Contributions by Jack Lemon, Vernon Fisher, and Mark Pascale.
National Drawing Invitational. Little Rock: Arkansas Arts Center, 1987. Text by Townsend Wolfe.
Objects of Personal Significance: Exhibits USA. Kansas City, Mo.: Mid-America Arts Alliance, 1996. Essay by Janet Marquardt-Cherry.
Presswork: The Art of Women Printmakers. New York: Lang Communication, 1991. Introductions by Dale W. Lang and Ellen F. Johnson and Heidi A. Lang. Essays by Eleanor Heartney and Trudy Victoria Hansen.
Re-presenting Representation IV. Elmira, N.Y.: Arnot Art Museum, 1999. Introduction by John O'Hern.
Second Sight: Printmaking in Chicago, 1935-1995. Evanston, Ill.: Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, 1996. Essays by James Yood, Mark Pascale, and David Mickenberg.
Seven Artists: Contemporary Drawings. Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1978. Introduction by Anne I. Lockhart.
Watercolor across the Ages. Princeton, N.J.: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, 1991. Introduction by Ronny Cohen.
Women in Print: Prints from 3M by Contemporary Women Printmakers. St. Paul, Minn.: Concourse Gallery, 3M, 1995. Essay by Charles Helsell.
Selected Books:
Union League Club of Chicago Art Collection Union League Club of Chicago, 2002, Essays by Marianne Richter and Wendy Greehouse, with contributions by Eden Juron Pearlman and Dean A.Porter
Jeanette Pasin Sloan Essay written by Gerritt Henry, published by Hudson Hills Press, NY, NY, 1999. 136 pages, 71 color plates, 18 black and white illustrations.
The Prints of Jeanette Pasin Sloan, a Catalog Raisonne essay by James Yood, forward by Martha Tedeschi, published by John Szoke Editions, NY, NY, 2002. 93 pages, 59 color plates, 3 black and white illustrations.
Selected Articles:
Market Focus, Arts + Antiques, October, 2004, C vol.XXVII, No.9.
E.C.R., "The Lure of Shiny Objects", Paseotiempo, Santa Fe New Mexican, September 10-16, 2004, P.8.
Zane Fischer, "Sample Platter", Santa Fe Reporter, June 15-19, 2004, Volume 31, Issue 22, P.42.
Cantu, John Carlos, "Prints uncovers beauty of everyday world", The Ann Arbor News, November 30, 2003, Section C, P.1.
Art Listings (includes photograph), The Philadelphia Inquirer, weekend section, City and Suburbs Edition E, Friday, April 18, 2003, P.w.32.
Mcloskey, Mary, "Reflections", Wednesday Jurnal, Oak Park, Illinois, January 3, 2001, Vol.21, No.28.
Davich, Jerry, "The Silversmiths are coming, the silversmiths are coming!", The Times, Munster, Indiana, November 18 2001, PP F1-F2.
Jarvis, John, "A Labor of Love", Art-Talk, Scottsdale, Arizona, Volume XXI, Number 6: 26-29.
Artner, Alan. "Jeanette Sloan." Chicago Tribune, September 18, 1981.
Bass, Ruth. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Art News 78, no. 6 (summer 1979).
Cohen, Ronny H. "Large-Scale Close-up Drawings." Drawing 7, no. 4 (November-December 1985): 78-83.
Cottingham, Jane. "A Career of High Standard and Hard Work." American Artist 58, issue 618 (January 1994): 42-47, 75-76.
Douslin, P. A. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Art Gallery International 9, edition 1 (NovemberDecember 1987): 26-30.
Hanson, Henry. "A Gaggle of Galleries: Sloan's Striped Reflections." Chicago 34, no. 5 (May 1985): 202.
_____. "Domestic Dreams: Sloan's Reflections at Roger Ramsay Gallery." Chicago 36, no. 1 (January 1987): 69.
_____. "Candid Canvases: One Woman's Life Stories." Chicago 41, no. 12 (December 1992): 25.
Henry, Gerrit. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Art News 77, no. 1 (January 1978): 152.
_____. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Art News 80, no. 3 (March 1981): 221.
_____. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Art in America 73 (June 1985): 143.
Lockhart, Anne I. "Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Arts 53, no. 8 (April 1979): 3.
Smith, Mark. "The Particulars of Printmaking." (Austin, Tex.) American-Statesman, March 6, 1989.
Vishny, Michelle. "Notes on Still Life and the Art of Jeanette Pasin Sloan." Arts 57, no. 7 (March 1983): 126-28.

''Dots V'' 2011 Oil on Canvas 81.28 x 83.82 cm