"New Line Continued" 2018
Oil on canvas
77' x 101' inches / 196 x 257 cm
Matthias Meyer
Born in 1969, Göttingen, Germany.
''My oil paintings are based on a variety of sketches, both collected photographic material and pencil
and acrylic sketches. I prefer to express the directness and spontaneity of a sketch in my oil paintings
and therefore sketches are an important part of my painting process. Memory is like a sketch to me.
We never remember everything in detail, our memory is more or less a combination of various
impressions, which can be expressed realistically and abstractly as well.
When I take photos I am more interested in the composition and atmosphere of the photo than in
details, they work more like another sketch of my memory. I paint with very thin layers of oil colour
in a wet in wet technique. The paint runs down the canvas in a semi-controlled way and the paintings
are made within a week in a wet in wet technique. We do not remember what we saw as a snapshot
but always as something we can not completely describe and as a combination of various
Therefore I like to combine several motifs in one painting, for example I start with an abstract
combination of circles and end up with a painting with waterlilies. Or I start with an abstract
composition of colourfields and finish the painting as a bouquet of flowers in a window. One
important aspect of my painting is the fact that I always end up with an artwork I didn´t really expect.''
1991 – 1994 studies with Prof. Gerhard Richter, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
1994 Meisterschüler of Gerhard Richter
Gaststudent Chelsea College of Art, London
1994-1995 studies with Prof. Dieter Krieg, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2015 Trustee-Programm EHF 2010, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
1995 SBC European Art Competition, London
1994 Max Ernst Stipend, Stadt Brühl
1993 Travel scholarship, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Collections (selection)
Akzo Nobel, Arnheim
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt / Main
Dresdner Bank, München
Eileen S. Kaminsky Family Foundation, Jersey City NJ
Hypo Bank, München
Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim / Ruhr
Nancy Walton Laurie Trust, Columbia, MO
Sammlung Alison & Peter W. Klein, Eberdingen-Nussdorf
Sammlung Kerber, Bielefeld
Sammlung Hense, Gescher
Sammlung Sal. Oppenheim, Frankfurt / Main
Sammlung SØR Rusche, Oelde / Berlin
Schweizerischer Bankverein, London
Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin
WWK, München
Solo shows (selection)
Atropa, Gallery Andreas Binder, Munich
2019, Silent Water, Danese/Corey, New York (C)
Arcadia, Galerie Andreas Binder, München
Spring ,Danese Corey, New York
Tiefe Wasser, Rosenhang Museum, Weilburg/Lahn
New Paintings, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam
Gläserner Tag, Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr (C)
Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters, Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf, Frankfurt / Main
Fensterbilder, Galerie Andreas Binder, München
A Distant River, Danese Corey, New York (C)
New Drawings / Horizontal Paintings, Galerie Weissraum, Kyoto, Japan
Drawings, Caso, Osaka, Japan
Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf, Frankfurt / Main
Insomia, Kunstverein Leverkusen (C)
In der Ferne so nah, Galerie Andreas Binder, München
Wetland, Danese Corey, New York (C)
Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf, Frankfurt / Main
On What Is Really Seen, Galerie Andreas Binder, München (C)
On What Is Really Seen, Kunstverein Duisburg
Into the Deep, Galerie Andreas Binder, München (C)
Group shows (selection)
Rarity Summer Contemporary Exhibition, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos
Farbe-Raum-Object, Kunstverein Mülheim an der Ruhr
Eröffnungsausstellung, Kunsthalle Hense, Gescher
Bild und Bildnis, Kunstverein Duisburg
salondergegenwart, Hamburg (K)
Mehr Kunst! Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr (K)
Gute Kunst? Wollen! 500 artworks from the SOR Rusche collection, Auf AEG, Nürnberg / Nuremberg (K/C))
Bielefeld Contemporary. Kunst aus Bielefelder Privatsammlungen, Bielefelder Kunstverein (K/C)
Konstruktives Widersprechen, collection Alison und Peter Klein, Nussdorf
Das flüssige Element - Seestücke des 17. und 21. Jahrhunderts, SØR Rusche collection
Oelde/ Berlin in cooperation with Kunstmuseum Ahrenshoop (K)
Megacool 4.0, Künstlerhaus k/haus, Wien (K)
Die große Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (K)
Alles Wasser, Selected works from the SOR Rusche Collection, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin
Unlängst im Wald, Zentrale der Bayerischen Staatsforsten, Regensburg (K)
In the Presence of Light, Danese, New York (K)
inter-cool 3.0, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund (K)
Ruhrbiennale, Duisburg (K)
Seoul on my Mind, Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, Berlin (K)
Discovering Landscape, Kunstsammlung Gera
Pures Wasser – Elementares Motiv der Gegenwartskunst, Kunstverein Villa Streccius Landau (K/C)
The Vern Collective, Walker’s Point Center for the Arts, Milwaukee, USA (K)

Waldsee 6
Oil on linen
200h x 180w cm

Oil on linen
210h x 200w cm

Oil on linen
180h x 170w cm

Oil on linen
210h x 200w cm